In early May I received an Email from a gorgeous couple such as Manos and Antonia that the theme was the wedding and baptism at The Residence Estate, which is a great place in Athens to get married.


The decision to organise wedding and christening at the same time, requires good coordination from the professionals who are involved. This will be a great help for the couple not to deal with the unpleasant details that may exist but to focus on the real details of their marriage.


While children are known to cry and protest during their baptism, it was a relief to find that the little girl soon to be known as Krystalia was very courageous: She held his held up high and beamed with positive energy, a quality I hope he preserves for the future ahead of her. Held by her godfather, the child smiled and laughed cheekily as she was held above water about to be dipped in and officially given her name: Krystalia.


Manos and Antonia with his positive attitude towards the professionals but also with the right communication that we managed to have all the professionals between us, we achieved a very beautiful wedding but also an unforgettable wedding party that will be unforgettable for all of us.



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