When soon to be married couples like Spyros and Antigone reach out to us and ask us to shoot their wedding in Ktima Laas, we cannot easily hide our joy.

Very beautiful and real pictures of a wedding unfold before us only when the couple’s feelings are sincere and their relationship is vibrant.


A photograph reveals its truth to its audience.
This is the reason why a wedding photographer’s sole opinion can be to advise the couple to let their truth out and enjoy themselves without having to worry about all their guests, selfish as it might sound.
Their guests will be swept off their feet only if their own emotions are real.


This is our “recipe” for beautiful, unique weddings, since each couple will put forth their own distinct personality.
In the case of Spyros and Antigone that is exactly what happened: their guests were charmed and Spyros and Antigone had a wedding just as they had dreamed it would be.

Featured on Love4weddings


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